Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I had a nice chat the other night with my good friend from high school. We talked for over an hour. Talking with us comes very easily. We met the first day of high school. My mom ask if I made any new friends. I replied, oh yes, there is this one girl with big brown eyes that talks all the time!!!! And today, x number of years later we still talk. And it is a wonder that she talks to me at all as I introduced her to her husband ... see photo!! This picture was taken in February of 1971 in my mom's living room. As memory serves, D and I plotted to have a Valentine party to lure the boys over!! Anyway, D got a special gift of jewelry that night from D. I was so tickled for her but secretly wished I had a boy friend that liked to buy jewelry. And do you know, he stills likes to buy her jewelry after all these years!! Yes, they really are a great couple and compliment each other nicely.

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